Our site allows you to donate, shop, make a payment, join an email list, and other variants of ways you can enter your personal data. We use this information to better serve our network. We respect our users privacy and vow to use this information with integrity and honesty. By visiting our website you inherently agree to the stated privacy policy below.
Christian Surfers collects information from its site visitors in two ways, personally identifiable, and non-personally identifiable.
Personally Identifiable
This information would include any time you enter your email address or any other personal information on our website manually. This can be during a donation, making a payment for shipping or signing up for an email list within the website. This information is used to fulfill whatever request you are making by entering it (filling an order, subscribing to our news & updates), etc. Your personal information will never be sold to a 3rd party, all personal information will be used as it was intended and not for other purposes. Please note: Subscriptions to e newsletters can be un-subscribed from easily at the end of the email you are sent.
Non-Personally Identifiable
This information would include site traffic reports, browser data, cookies, and other information gathered on the website for our users as a whole. We use this data for demographic information, as well as to share and report traffic to management.
3rd Party Sales
In some cases, we have partnered up with a 3rd party on our webstore or other programs. In these cases, your personally identifiable information is sent to the 3rd party so that they are able to process your order. In each of these cases, you will be notified before your order is placed the extent of the nature and depth of the information sharing. You may also opt out, where applicable.
At any one point in time, there may be one or more advertisements or external links on our website. Once you click a link that is outside of www.christiansurfers.net, the stated privacy policy is no longer valid.
This policy may change without notice. If you wish to remain updated on the website policies of Christian Surfers, simply download the latest version of this document.
If you have any questions or concerns about anything stated in this policy, you can reach us by post or email (see below).
Thank You
Christian Surfers International
PO Box 192
Thirroul, NSW 2515
[email protected]